Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Loving it in Moldova!

A GREAT FALL in Moldova

Starting in the 2nd week of September the campus teams of Chisinau have distributed 16,000 student survival kits. How did they do it? This year the targeted freshman classes and waited for the class break when they were permitted to enter the classroom, hand out the magazine and fill out the questionnaires.

One goal for the Moldovan ministry this year was to increase the amount of good contacts generated through the distribution. Now, as October begins there are about 10,000 students to follow-up.

The campus teams have been tracking the response rate of students (those ready to complete the survey and give their contact information). This rate has ranged from 60% - 90% positive response. Now the ministry has a tremendous opportunity to connect with students living in the city and the staff have received special training for calling this group of students. Because of of the HUGE interest and limited manpower the campus teams have experimented with sending out weekly SMS messages to the many students still waiting for a personal visit. The SMS have generated curiosity and kept the contacts warmer for a longer period of time.

The reaction of the students has been very positive. Each year the magazine is better, more attractive and speaking more directly to the students’ hearts.

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